Xavier wants to comment on a friend's photo that she looks tired. If he asks himself the THINK Questions, he might answer "yes" to which of the following criteria Questions? (Note: A "yes" doesn't mean he should necessarily post the comment!)

1 answer

The THINK Questions typically refer to a set of criteria aimed at evaluating whether a comment is appropriate or necessary, often used to promote thoughtful communication. The criteria commonly include:

  1. T - Is it true?
  2. H - Is it helpful?
  3. I - Is it inspiring?
  4. N - Is it necessary?
  5. K - Is it kind?

In this context, if Xavier were to ask himself the THINK Questions regarding commenting on his friend's photo and his observation about her looking tired, he might answer "yes" to the following criteria:

  • T (True): He might genuinely believe she looks tired, so he could consider his comment as true.
  • N (Necessary): Depending on the context, he might feel it is necessary to express concern for her welfare if he thinks she may be feeling unwell.

However, it’s likely that he might answer "no" to the "Helpful," "Inspiring," and "Kind" criteria because commenting on a friend's tired appearance may come off as negative or unkind, and it might not be helpful.

In summary, from the THINK criteria, the answers he might say "yes" to could be the True and Necessary questions, but that doesn't mean he should post the comment.