1) Draw the function on a piece of paper
It is a linear function, is not it?
So, the function will have the form:
y = ax+b
where a and b- coefficients
2) look at the value of the function at x=0, it is -1:
3) if you move b on the left side, you will get direct dependence of new y on x:
and since you know the values of the function:
x: -2,-1, 0, 1, 2
y-1: 10, 5,0,-5,-10
now it is easy:
4) So, finally you get y = -5x-1
Another way to find the function is to to paste the values into excel :D
x: -2,-1, 0, 1, 2
y: 9, 4,-1,-6,-11
find the function rule. please??
3 answers
Ouch, there is a small typo in the previous message. Here is the correct one:
1) Draw the function on a piece of paper
It is a linear function, is not it?
So, the function will have the form:
y = ax+b
where a and b- coefficients
2) look at the value of the function at x=0, it is -1:
3) if you move b on the left side, you will get direct dependence of new y on x:
and since you know the values of the function:
x: -2,-1, 0, 1, 2
y-1: 10, 5,0,-5,-10
now it is easy:
4) So, finally you get y = -5x-1
Another way to find the function is to paste the values into excel :D
1) Draw the function on a piece of paper
It is a linear function, is not it?
So, the function will have the form:
y = ax+b
where a and b- coefficients
2) look at the value of the function at x=0, it is -1:
3) if you move b on the left side, you will get direct dependence of new y on x:
and since you know the values of the function:
x: -2,-1, 0, 1, 2
y-1: 10, 5,0,-5,-10
now it is easy:
4) So, finally you get y = -5x-1
Another way to find the function is to paste the values into excel :D
Thank you so much you went into detail and actually helped me understand unlike any of the actual lessons.