Wtat is legitimate government? Outline any four features of legitimacy? What is simple majority sysyem? Outline four demeits of the system

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1)Legitimacy is evaluative in character- Evaluation is a continuous affair. People evaluate the legitimacy at every level. To evaluate is to draw conclusions. People evaluate the regime (govt) whether it is committed for the welfare of the people or whether it is genuinely working for them…

2)It is value-pattern based- Legitimacy has a very close relationship with the value-pattern of the society. If the values of the political regime and that of the people are identical, then there is no difficulty. But if the value-pattern of the people and the regime are at cross purposes with each other, then the regime (govt) loses its legitimacy.

3)Legitimacy has close relationship with effectiveness- Effectiveness means performance, Legitimacy has a high co-relation with the effectiveness also. If a system shows a high degree of effectiveness, people feel happy and contended. Thus, we find that legitimacy and effectiveness go hand in hand……..