Writing through film- Night of the Living Dead
1. Who are the four main characters of this film?
2. What subgenre does this film fir under? Give 2 examples from the movie that share why it fits the chosen subgenre?
3. Why did the lady kick off her shoes?
4. What is her weapon of choice? Why do you think she chose that weapon?
5. What is the name of the third living character introduced?
6. What traits are unique about these zombies in comparison to new age zombies you would see in the Walking Dead or other zombie flicks? List 3 traits?
7. what is the new man's story about how he found the truck?
8. How are others describing the zombies? List 3 examples
9. What 3 items did he find in the closet?
10. What is the argument for why the cellar is safer and why upstairs is safer?
11. What is the reason Mrs. Cooper wants to go upstairs?
12. What are "rabbit ears''?
13. What did the news says created the zombies?
14. What did they suggest to do with the dead bodies and why?
15. Who is the second person to die in the film and how?
16. Why did the dude punch out Mr. Cooper?
18. Who is the last one living and why is that surprising?
19. What is unique about this film that makes it different than any other film of its time?
20. Any comments or opinions about the film?
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