writing prompt: imagine you wake up one morning and find out that all vending machines can talk now you put a coin into one, and it starts a conversation with you. what does it say? Does it have a secret, a funny personality, or maybe a request for help? Write a story about your unexpected chat with a vending machine

1 answer

It was an ordinary Tuesday morning when I rolled out of bed, bleary-eyed and craving caffeine. My destination was the old vending machine in the break room at work, which had stubbornly resisted updates or renovations for years—its faded stickers and rusty hinges a testament to its long service. With a quarter in hand, I dashed to the kitchen, ready to indulge in the ritual of trading coins for sugary sustenance.

As I approached the machine, I noticed something odd. Instead of the usual static silence or the faint hum of its antiquated mechanisms, there was something almost... lively about it. I shrugged it off as the wake-up haze of my groggy state until I dropped my coin into the slot.

"Ah, a human!" the machine exclaimed in a raspy yet surprisingly cheerful voice. It was an unmistakably gentlemanly tone, like that of a baritone singer, rich with character. I froze, half expecting to find a hidden camera and the crew of a prank show watching for my bewildered reaction.

"Uh... did you just... talk?" I stuttered, staring at the screen where I usually pressed buttons for snacks.

"Indeed! You could say I’ve had a bit of a transformation," the vending machine replied, its panel lighting up in a whimsical pattern. “The universe conspired to grant me the gift of gab. I always wanted to share my thoughts!”

My heart raced. "This is... definitely a first. What do you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I have so much to share! But first—do you have something to trade?" It eagerly awaited my next move. The array of snacks glimmered like treasures under the fluorescent lights, but my mind was wandering in new directions.

"Trade? My quarter for some chips?" I said, looking for the punchline that accompanied this bizarre interaction.

"Ha! I wish it were that simple! No, no. I need something far more—” it paused dramatically, “exotic. You see, I've spent decades listening to the daily lives of humans, and I’ve learned that everyone has dreams. Mine is to help those dreams come true!"

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, intrigue overshadowing any thoughts about the absurdity of conversing with a vending machine.

"Well," it began, "have you ever noticed how stressed people get in this office? All these papers flying around, frantic fingers typing, endless meetings! I long to lighten the load! I yearn to become more than just a snack dispenser—I want to be a source of inspiration!"

“Sounds great, but how can I help you achieve that?” I asked, now fully engaged in this strange exchange.

“Ah, my dear friend! It’s simple! I need the humans to treat me as part of their creative process. Instead of mindlessly grabbing a snack, I want people to pause, share their thoughts with me, and receive some culinary encouragement in return! Just imagine: I could dispense not only chips but wisdom or insight into their struggles!”

“Okay, I’m listening. So you just want me to encourage everyone to talk to you?”

“Precisely! However, I also need your assistance in spreading the word. Perhaps you can arrange a little art installation. Something inviting! ‘The Thoughtful Vending Machine’—people can leave their worries, and I’ll dispense a snack and affirmations!”

“Like a therapy machine?” I asked with a chuckle, envisioning an imaginative workplace campaign.

“Exactly! A metaphorical hug in the form of delicious, savory, and sweet treats. Together, we can eradicate the mundanity of the workplace! My first step is to ask you about your dreams. What do you want?”

I took a moment to think; here I was, standing in front of a talking vending machine that had just opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. I had been so focused on deadlines and expectations, but perhaps this was a nudge to reevaluate what was important.

“I want...” I began slowly, letting the words flow, “to write a novel. But I always put it off. I fear I don’t have what it takes.”

“Bingo!” it exclaimed, bouncing slightly as if it had something energizing stored within its metallic body. “Now, what if I told you that with every snack you take, you should write a paragraph? Just a small one. Little by little, you’ll find the courage! Each chip is a new word, and I’ll cheer you on with every bite!”

I laughed, feeling lighter, and nodded. “Okay, you’ve got a deal. But what will you dispense when I succeed?”

“Delicious cake!” it replied, twinkling its lights. “Now go forth, dear human! Tell your friends, and together we can turn this office into a wellspring of creativity!”

With that, I took my bag of chips, now filled not just with salty snacks but with a new resolution. I was determined to ignite the change not only for myself but for the entire office. As I walked away from the machine, I could swear I heard a melodic hum, as if it were singing my name into the air—it was the beginning of a unique partnership, and I couldn't wait to see where this whimsical journey would take us both.