Slide 1- Write 1 paragraph (MLA Format) explaining the book you’ve chosen.
In your paragraph describe the following:
2. Author
3. Basic Summary of the book (Please remember the rules to writing a
summary: Avoid opinions and include only the main events of the plot!)
Slide 2: Writea1paragraphdescriptionoftheNarrator.
Questions to answer in complete sentences:
● Whoisthenarrator? What is he or she like?
● Isit first-person or third-person point of view? How is this affecting the
story as a whole?
Slide 3: IdentifyONEexampleofDIALOGUEinthenovel.
● TypetheseuponyourdocumentORincludeapicture of your favorite
● Include the chapter and page number. Explain WHY these two examples
of dialogue are extremely important to the book.
Slide 4: Writea1paragraphdescriptionofthesettingofyournovel.
● Ifthe setting changes, please note that! How does the setting affect the
story overall? Include either a hand-drawn or digital image of the
Slide 5:- Createaplotlineofthestory!
● Thiscanbeanuploadedphotoofahand-written plot diagram a digital
plot line.
● Makesuretoinclude the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action
and resolution
Slide 6: Write1paragraphdescribingtheTHEMEofyournovel(yournovel
● Identify a specific places in your novel (Identifythepagenumberand
paragraph) of where you can see the theme being “played out” within
the storyline. Then, explain WHY this theme is important.
Slide 7: Writeashortreviewofthebook.
● Wouldyourecommendittosomeoneelse?Ifso/if not, WHY?
● Youcanevengiveita1-5star rating! Explain in detail
7 answers
The narrator of the story is Scout Finch, a young girl with a sharp wit and a strong sense of justice. The story is told in first-person point of view, allowing readers to see the events of the novel through Scout's perspective. This point of view adds a sense of innocence and honesty to the narrative, as Scout navigates the complexities of the world around her.
An example of important dialogue in the novel can be found in Chapter 9, when Atticus gives Scout and her brother Jem air rifles for Christmas and instructs them to not kill mockingbirds. Atticus explains that mockingbirds only sing and bring joy, and it would be a sin to harm them. This dialogue is significant because it foreshadows the central theme of innocence and the moral lessons that Atticus imparts on his children throughout the story.
The setting of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the Great Depression. The town is characterized by its close-knit community, deep-rooted prejudices, and southern traditions. The setting plays a crucial role in the story, shaping the characters' beliefs and actions as they navigate the challenges of racism and social inequality.
The theme of "To Kill a Mockingbird" encompasses various ideas such as empathy, morality, and the destructive nature of prejudice. One specific example of this theme being portrayed in the novel is when Scout and Jem learn the importance of putting themselves in others' shoes and understanding the struggles of those different from themselves. This theme is essential to the story as it challenges readers to examine their own beliefs and biases.
In conclusion, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that addresses important social issues. I would highly recommend this book to others as it offers valuable lessons on compassion, integrity, and standing up for what is right. I would give it a 5-star rating for its timeless relevance and poignant storytelling.
● Thiscanbeanuploadedphotoofahand-written plot diagram a digital
plot line.
● Makesuretoinclude the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action
and resolution