Yes, that's right. Either change the works cited to MLA or change the in-text citations to APA.
The primary way I can tell whether someone is following APA or MLA is that APA requires writers to include the publication year in parentheses:
MLA does not.
That publication year also needs to be included in the in-text citations:
MLA does not require this.
Writeacher, so, if I just change my work cited paged to MLA style and fix the in text citations, it should be right? They both look the same to me, i've looked at all the pages you have given me at least a 100
2 answers
I should have written ...
The primary way I can tell whether someone is following APA or MLA is that APA requires writers to include the publication year in parentheses immediately after the author(s) name(s):
The primary way I can tell whether someone is following APA or MLA is that APA requires writers to include the publication year in parentheses immediately after the author(s) name(s):