Writeacher or Bobpursley, or anyone who could help me with my essay. I don't know why I cannot find the post that I needed help on, my essay was on traditional families versus TV show families. I included more information.

I wish I could include the link here to my post. :\

3 answers

Click on your name above and you'll see your posts.

Bookmark these webpages until you don't need them anymore. Do you know how to do that?

If you're on a PC, press Ctrl + D and then indicate where you want the link to be saved. Be sure to save it somewhere you won't forget!
I did save but it seems to save the home page or something, I don't know why it doesn't save this exact page. Ok, click my name, I got it now, I can check back easier, Thank you everyone!!! :)

YES! that is the link! Thank you I got it now!!