When my daughter was diagnosed with cancer, she and her husband had 3 children at home ... ages 17, 14, and 9. How did they get through this? Each person in that household reacted to the news differently, and each continued to react differently as she went through chemo, radiation, surgery, more chemo, more surgery.
My daughter set the tone. We turned to our religious beliefs and to the support system our church offered.
I focused on Philippians 4:6 to center myself every time I found myself panicking: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (NIV)
Her older son worked hard to understand the science of it all. Her younger son grew very close to our church's youth pastor, who was instrumental in getting him to focus as his mother wanted him to. Her daughter just drew closer to her mom and wanted to be right next to her every minute possible.
Different people find different ways to get through a variety of situations. You might try researching to learn about some of them.
Writeacher, in response I am doing my outline for an informative speech and I decided to choose the topic Why me? Dying to live or living to die. Everybody at some point will encounter some kind of diagnosis whether it be you, your spouse, a loved one and even a child, I did. I want to give my class something to think about and what you can do to help the one you love and yourself overcome some of those obstacles. Thanks again, any advice would help!
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