Writeacher I added more at the end, and I fixed some mistakes of mine. I can still feel that there are some awkward places in here, but I can't tell where they are located. I tried to make my ending strong, by speaking from my heart. I wrote what I think about the cruel people I see each day. I tried to expand, but I'm not sure If me deep thoughts made you sink in them. Can you please read through it, and tell me where my mistakes are located. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, and If my ending seems weak, can you please suggest something for that. I'll still try to think about it. Thank you very much for all your help:-)
In the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est", by Wilfred Owen, we see that he talks about the First World War and creates powerful visuals in our mind by describing the people part of it. We can nearly see through his eyes and notice the same type of danger he was going through at that point.
This poem from my opinion was written as a time capsule into the past for the new generations. It was probably composed for everyone to know about the troubles the separate individuals came upon during this war. Each stanza reflects its own image for the reader to see; they could easily picture themselves in the story.
There are many emotions expressed in this poem. Some of them are anger, distress, fright, misery, etc. They all combine together as misfortune. This can be distinguished by the fact that he's added every tiny detail about the daunting atmosphere around him. Those tiny details give “quoted” examples of him being surrounded with gloomy emotions. Obviously, he wouldn't be happy to see all this. He must have felt really terrible. I can try to walk in his shoes, and sense the outlandish situation. It’s like stepping into a nightmare itself.
The title seems to reflect on something good when it reads “Sweet and Right”. At the end we get to know what the author actually says. He tells us that it is not a wonderful experience to fight for your country and die at the end. He clarifies in his poem that individuals will cheer you to fight for your country, but, in truth, fighting for your country is basically punishing yourself to death, which is pointless. He says that war is not worth it. From my outlook, undergoing death is horrific. Life is a gift sent to each individual, and it’s a shame to see it all go to waste by simply starting mini fights, which end up being big wars. The writer proves the saying: It is sweet and right to die for your country” wrong. It is not sweet to die for your country. He effectively proves it as a lie. All anyone can leave behind by dying are, their memories; which makes each individual connected to that person shed tears.
Some techniques in this poem are similes, alliterations, imagery, stress, stanzas, and rhymes and there is also a periodic ending. An example of a simile in this poem is: Bent double, like old beggars under sacks. He describes the people as beggars. An example of alliteration in this poem is: Men marched asleep. As mentioned before there is imagery in this poem; it can be visualised by the author’s descriptions. Stress is shown by each distinct part; I mean that some parts in the poem are expressed with greater emphasis than others. Some are slowly and emotionally expressed while others are kind of expressed in anger, etc. Overall this whole poem tells every reader to look forward to their future, and make good choices which will lead to fortune one day. Fighting for needs won't do the trick. The main objective is to take things slowly and calmly, no matter how much force is put on. One can only put itself in trouble if it creates enemies, and enemies are created by fights. Fights can only be stopped if egoism is. I am not scared to say that it is always the selfish ones who end up starting brawls. Every being does not have the capability to control their anger, but that doesn’t stop them from making an effort to. Every day there are people seen fighting in different parts of the world. Their fights solve nothing. Those people should have the ability to stop them from occurring in the first place. There is no difference left between them and terrorists.
1 answer
In para 1 --
In his poem "Dulce et Decorum Est," Wilfred Owen writes about the First World War <~~ notice the rewording I did -- getting rid of the extraneous words. (You should also remember that the people who lived during that time didn't call it the First World War or World War One -- they had no idea there'd be a second one!! They simply referred to it as The Great War or The War in Europe.)
"in our mind" is awkward -- plural people do not have only one mind. Actually, you should just delete this phrase and rephrase to get rid of all other uses of the word "we" and all its forms.
In para 2 --
Get rid of "from my opinion" -- it is obvious that this is your opinion because you are writing it!
Who are "they" and "themselves" in that last sentence?
In para 3 --
I still don't know what you mean by "quoted" in here. It makes no sense.
This is strange: "Obviously, he wouldn't be happy to see all this." But he DID see all that. The verb "wouldn't" implies the possibility, but he was smack in the middle of it all. (In fact, he was killed just one week before the war ended.) So ... how can you rephrase this?
You still have not gotten rid of all first and second person pronouns in your paper -- rephrase wherever any of these appear:
I, me, my, mine, myself
you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves
we, us, our, ours, ourselves
I also need to say this -- the content of your paper is fine. Don't change what you are saying about Owen's poem. You're right about the emotions and devices he uses in here. I'm just pointing out "mechanical" things about the paper -- wording, grammar, usage, etc.