Writeacher, can you please have a look if the following definition of interior monologue is correct (from the point of view of the content). Can you suggest a site on which this topic is investigated in further detail?

1) The interior monologue has the following features: First, it is immediate since it lacks the conventional syntax, as well as introductory expressions; second, it doesn’t follow a chronological or a logical formal order of events because time is perceived as subjective; third, the rules of punctuation are not respected.
2) It is necessary to distinguish among three kinds of interior monologue. In the indirect interior monologue the narrator never lets the character’s flow of thoughts be without control, and maintains logical and grammatical organization. The character stays fixed in space while his/her consciousness moves freely in time.
3) The second type of interior monologue is characterized by two levels of narration: one external to the character’s mind and one internal. 4) In the third type of interior monologue the character’s thoughts flow freely (or without control), not interrupted by external events.

1 answer

You'll find several good definitions and further explanation of interior monologue in these articles, especially the first 3 or 4.

1) The interior monologue has the following features: First, it is immediate since it lacks the<~~delete "the" conventional syntax, as well as introductory expressions; second, it doesn’t follow a chronological or a logical formal order of events because time is perceived as subjective; third, the rules of punctuation are not respected.

2) It is necessary to distinguish among three kinds of interior monologue. In the indirect interior monologue the narrator never lets the character’s flow of thoughts be without control, and maintains<~~a subject is needed for this verb logical and grammatical organization. The character stays fixed in space while his/her consciousness moves freely in time.

3) The second type of interior monologue is characterized by two levels of narration: one external to the character’s mind and one internal. <~~This needs more explanation; I'm not clear on what you mean.

4) In the third type of interior monologue the character’s thoughts flow freely (or without control), not interrupted by external events. <~~another term for this is "stream of consciousness"