Write your essay by making use of paragraphs and by writing in full sentences.

Use your own words. Pay attention to the mark allocation described in the rubric.
- Critique of a theory (Unit 1).
- Communication Privacy Management theory (Unit 4).
- Social Exchange theory (Unit 5).
- Uses and Gratification theory (Unit 6).
STEP-BY-STEP Essay content instructions
In this essay you will demonstrate your knowledge of the abovementioned three
theories (Unit 4, 5, 6) and your ability to apply a theory to a real-life context.
• Your essay should have an introduction (Around 100 words):
- Grab the attention of the reader.
- Lay out the “roadmap” for your essay – what will you discuss?
• The body of your essay should consist of these aspects:
1. Your essay should explain the premise of each of the 3 theories. This explanation should be written in
your own words and should showcase your understanding of the theory. Explain what the purpose of
the theory is. Also discuss the main claims/arguments of the theory in your own words.
2. Next, choose the theory that is most suited to be used to analyse political campaigns and explain why
this theory is the most suited to be used in the world of politics.
3. Your essay should contain examples of a political party that successfully applied elements of the
selected theory and examples of a political party that was not successful at applying elements of this
4. Include physical evidence and examples in your discussion of political parties. Examples can include
statements made by the party in news articles or on social media platforms.
5. Your essay should also offer a critique on the strengths and weaknesses of the selected theory. This
should be done by applying the criteria for critiquing theory as was discussed by Wood (Unit 1). Don't
just copy from the slides or prescribed material but try to think critically about the value of the theory by
applying the criteria discussed in Unit 1.
• Your essay should have a conclusion (Around 100 words):
- Summarise your findings.
- Leave the reader with a final thought.
• Your essay should have a reference list

1 answer

In the field of communication studies, several theories play a crucial role in understanding human behavior and interactions. In this essay, we will explore and critique three prominent theories - Communication Privacy Management theory, Social Exchange theory, and Uses and Gratification theory.

The Communication Privacy Management theory posits that individuals seek to maintain control over their private information through the use of privacy rules and boundaries. This theory helps to explain how individuals navigate the delicate balance between privacy and disclosure in their interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, Social Exchange theory focuses on the idea that individuals engage in relationships based on the principles of rewards and costs. This theory highlights how individuals assess the benefits and drawbacks of a relationship before deciding to invest time and effort into it. Lastly, the Uses and Gratification theory suggests that individuals actively seek out and consume media content to fulfill specific needs and desires. This theory emphasizes the importance of understanding why people choose certain media platforms and content over others.

Among these three theories, the Social Exchange theory is most suited to be used to analyze political campaigns. In the world of politics, politicians often engage in exchanges with their constituents, offering promises and policies in exchange for support and votes. By applying the principles of rewards and costs, politicians can strategically tailor their messages and actions to appeal to their target audience.

For example, a political party that successfully applied elements of the Social Exchange theory is the Obama campaign in 2008. Barack Obama's campaign focused on offering hope and change to the American people, tapping into their desire for a new direction. By effectively communicating his message of unity and progress, Obama was able to garner widespread support and secure victory in the presidential election.

On the other hand, a political party that struggled to apply elements of the Social Exchange theory is the UK's Labour Party in the 2019 general election. The party's failure to clearly articulate its policies and connect with voters on a personal level led to a significant loss of seats in parliament. The disconnect between the party's message and the voters' needs ultimately resulted in a disappointing electoral outcome.

In critiquing the Social Exchange theory, it is important to consider its strengths and weaknesses. One strength of the theory is its emphasis on the importance of reciprocity in relationships. By understanding the give-and-take dynamic of social interactions, individuals and organizations can better navigate their relationships. However, a weakness of the theory is its oversimplification of human behavior. People are not always rational actors who weigh the costs and benefits of every decision. Emotions, social norms, and cultural factors also play a significant role in shaping behavior.

In conclusion, the Social Exchange theory offers valuable insights into the dynamics of political campaigns and relationships. By analyzing successful and unsuccessful examples of its application in the political realm, we can gain a deeper understanding of how individuals and parties engage with their constituents. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of the theory and consider other factors that influence human behavior in politics.