Your answers are right for the first five.
However, 10, is confusing. The word "that" is understood before "they looked." This is a compound-complex sentence because it has two independent clauses and a dependent clause.
Write whether a sentence is simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.
5-The day of the party arrived, and everyone showed up at the Huang's house in costume. Compound
6-Kim wanted a new watch for a graduation gift. Simple
7-Because she was swimmer,she wanted one that was waterproof. Complex
8-Almost all good watches are waterproof
today. Simple
9-Kim went to the store with her friend Angie, and together they shopped for a waterproof watch that was not too expensive. Compound-complex
10-She found the perfect watch in the first place they looked, and she bought it. Compound
2 answers
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