Write two complete sentences in Spanish about what you might say at a restaurant. Remember to use the vocabulary word you know.

You may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Áá Éé Íí Óó Úú Ññ

Note: You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact.

In two complete sentences in Spanish, order one drink, one main dish, and one dessert at a restaurant. Include expressions of politeness. (Use vocabulary that you know.)
In two complete sentences in Spanish, order one main dish and one dessert for your friend at a restaurant. Include expressions of politeness. (Use different foods from the previous bullet.)

1 answer

Claro, aquí tienes dos oraciones en español:

  1. Para mí, me gustaría pedir una limonada, un pollo a la parrilla, y de postre un flan, por favor.

  2. Para mi amigo, ¿podría traerle una taza de café y un tocino con huevos, por favor?