Write two complete sentences in Spanish about what clothing you and your friend need for school. Remember to use the vocabulary words you know and make sure to use different descriptions words for each friend.

You may copy and paste the accented characters from this list if needed: Áá Éé Íí Óó Úú Ññ

*Note: You must come up with your own original answers, keeping academic integrity intact.

In one complete sentence in Spanish, describe what clothing you need for school. Include at least two articles of clothing (don't forget footwear!) along with the color of each item. (Use vocabulary that you know.)
In one complete sentence in Spanish, describe what clothing your friend needs for school. Include at least two articles of clothing (don't forget footwear!) along with the color of each item. (Use different articles of clothing and colors from the previous bullet.)

1 answer

Yo necesito una camisa azul y unos pantalones negros para la escuela. Mi amigo necesita una chaqueta roja y unas zapatillas blancas para la escuela.