write this as a 7 year old.

- Geography: The resource mentions that Geography refers to where the civilization is located, what its landscape looks like, and the challenges and opportunities faced by the people living there.
- Religion: It also discusses the main religions or beliefs of the civilization, and whether they changed over time.
- Achievements: The resource talks about the achievements of the civilization, such as monuments or famous places built, inventions, control of certain territories, and what they are known for.
- Politics: It explores the political structure of the civilization, who held power and how, and the reasons behind it.
- Economics: The resource delves into the items produced by the civilization, what was grown or created, their participation in trade, and the trading partners.
- Social Structure: Lastly, the resource discusses social classes within the civilization, daily life for different segments of society, differences between men and women, and the education of children.

These are the key points to consider when researching and showcasing the G.R.A.P.E.S. of a civilization.

1 answer

Geography: Where the civilization is and what it looks like.
Religion: What people believe and if it changed.
Achievements: Cool things the civilization did.
Politics: Who is in charge.
Economics: What they made and traded.
Social Structure: Different groups in society, like rich and poor.