To convert 8.5 ÷ 17.7 into degrees and minutes, we first need to calculate the decimal value of this division.
8.5 ÷ 17.7 ≈ 0.4802
Now, we convert this decimal value into degrees and minutes.
To convert the decimal into degrees, we multiply by 360 (since there are 360 degrees in a circle).
0.4802 * 360 = 172.872
Since we want the value in degrees and minutes, we will convert the decimal part (0.872) into minutes by multiplying it by 60.
0.872 * 60 = 52.32
So, tan 8.5 ÷ 17.7 is approximately equal to 172 degrees 52 minutes.
Write tan 8.5÷17.7 in degrees and minute?
1 answer