write several sentences describing a recent interaction with friend or family member about personal financial or credit cards.use at least five different pronouns,and adverbs, and adjectives in your sentences.

3 answers

Please understand that no one here will write your sentences for you. Once you have written them up, you're welcome to repost if you want someone to read them over for you.

Personal pronouns:
I, me, my, mine
you, your, yours
he, him, his
she, her, hers
we, us, our, ours
they, them, their, theirs
Read about all kinds of pronouns here.

Learn about adjectives and adverbs here:

According to my sister, I should use my credit card to make everyday purchases.
My sister said items like food, clothing, and gas shouldn't be purchased with a credit card.
Using your credit card as a substitute for cash is a habit that can quickly lead to debt.
Leave your credit card in your wallet and use cash or debit card instead.
Get into the habit of making minimum-only payments.
Making only the minimum payment each month increases the amount of time it will take to pay off your debt.
My sister wanted to help me build my credit.

To pay your debts off quicker and cheaper, you should pay as much as you can on your balance each month.
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