A kangaroo rat FOUND nuts to survive.
I THOUGHT a rattle snake confused you.
The scorpion RAN fast.
The past tense of "go" is WENT.
The past tense of "take" is TOOK.
write sentence about desert animals. use each given word in the past tense.
they give word
find, think, run, go, take
my son write- a kangaroo rat needs to find nuts to survive.
my son write- i think a rattle snake can confuse you.
my son write- a scorpion can run a little fast.
if is this right or not tell me and i need two more sentence the word is go and take please help my son
5 answers
a desert animal went to a cave.
a desert animal took another animal's food.
a desert animal took another animal's food.
thank you.
You're welcome.