1. Limited availability of data: Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, it may be difficult to gather accurate and comprehensive data on the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Garden Compound.
2. Bias and stigma: Participants may be reluctant to openly discuss their experiences with teenage pregnancy due to fear of judgment or social stigma, leading to biased or incomplete data.
3. Small sample size: The population of teenagers in Garden Compound may be small, making it challenging to reach a significant sample size for the study.
4. Lack of resources: Conducting a comprehensive geographic analysis of teenage pregnancy in Garden Compound may require resources such as funding, access to technology, and transportation, which may be limited.
5. Ethical considerations: Researching teenage pregnancy involves minors and may raise ethical considerations related to informed consent, confidentiality, and potential harm to participants.
6. Limited generalizability: Due to the unique characteristics of Garden Compound, findings from the study may not be easily generalizable to other geographical areas or populations.
7. Difficulties accessing key stakeholders: Engaging with key stakeholders such as community leaders, healthcare providers, and parents may be challenging, limiting the impact and relevance of the project.
Write problems and limitations in a geography project with title teenage pregnancy in garden compound
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