write output of the segment of program below

10 A$ = "ONE O"
20 B$ = "ONE "
30 D$ = " "
40 C$ = A$ & D$ & B$

4 answers

what, you don't have a BASIC interpreter to run that through?
& just means to join the strings together...
have no system for now. it was damage weeks ago
pls any website to run this online, i had problem with my system
You must not have tried very hard to find a web site.
google will show you many online basic interpreters, such as this one


However, they may not run your program as-is. The original BASIC used LET statements to make assignments. The above interpreter will run your program, if it is modified as below:

10 Let A$ = "ONE O"
20 Let B$ = "ONE "
30 Let D$ = " "
40 let C$ = A$ + D$ + B$