1. -algia: meaning pain or discomfort; word formation example: neuralgia (nerve pain)
2. -ectomy: meaning surgical removal; word formation example: appendectomy (removal of the appendix)
3. -itis: meaning inflammation; word formation example: arthritis (inflammation of joints)
4. -oma: meaning tumor or mass; word formation example: lipoma (benign fatty tumor)
5. -osis: meaning abnormal condition or process; word formation example: nephrosis (abnormal kidney function)
6. -otomy: meaning surgical incision; word formation example: tracheotomy (incision into the windpipe)
7. -pathy: meaning disease or disorder; word formation example: neuropathy (disorder of the nerves)
8. -plasty: meaning surgical repair or reshaping; word formation example: rhinoplasty (nose reshaping)
9. -scopy: meaning visual examination using a scope; word formation example: endoscopy (internal visual examination)
10. -centesis: meaning surgical puncture for fluid removal; word formation example: thoracentesis (puncture of the chest for fluid removal)
11. -emia: meaning presence of a substance in the blood; word formation example: anemia (lack of red blood cells)
12. -rrhage: meaning excessive bleeding; word formation example: hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)
13. -emia: meaning blood condition; word formation example: hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
14. -stomy: meaning surgical creation of an opening; word formation example: colostomy (creation of an opening from the colon to the abdominal wall)
15. -phobia: meaning irrational fear; word formation example: arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
16. -physis: meaning growth; word formation example: epiphysis (growth plate in bones)
17. -rrhea: meaning abnormal flow or discharge; word formation example: diarrhea (abnormal bowel movement)
18. -gen: meaning producing or causing; word formation example: carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)
19. -plasia: meaning abnormal development or formation; word formation example: dysplasia (abnormal cell development)
20. -lysis: meaning breakdown or destruction; word formation example: hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells)
21. -rrhexis: meaning rupture; word formation example: myorrhhexis (rupture of a muscle)
22. -phagia: meaning excessive appetite or eating; word formation example: polyphagia (excessive eating)
23. -plegia: meaning paralysis; word formation example: paraplegia (paralysis of the lower body)
24. -phasia: meaning speech or language; word formation example: aphasia (loss of ability to speak or understand)
25. -rrhaphy: meaning surgical suturing; word formation example: herniorrhaphy (repair of a hernia through suturing)
26. -emia: meaning condition of the blood; word formation example: hyperlipidemia (high levels of lipids in the blood)
27. -cele: meaning hernia or swelling; word formation example: cystocele (hernia of the bladder)
28. -rrhea: meaning flow or discharge; word formation example: leukorrhea (abnormal l discharge)
29. -cyte: meaning cell; word formation example: erythrocyte (red blood cell)
30. -pnea: meaning breathing; word formation example: apnea (temporary cessation of breathing)
31. -itis: meaning inflammation; word formation example: bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes)
32. -genic: meaning producing or generating; word formation example: carcinogenic (causing cancer)
33. -cytosis: meaning abnormal increase in cells; word formation example: leukocytosis (abnormally high white blood cell count)
34. -lysis: meaning breakdown or dissolution; word formation example: osteolysis (dissolution of bone tissue)
35. -malacia: meaning abnormal softening; word formation example: osteomalacia (softening of the bones)
36. -ptosis: meaning drooping or sagging; word formation example: blepharoptosis (drooping of the eyelid)
37. -stasis: meaning stopping or control; word formation example: hemostasis (stopping of bleeding)
38. -phagia: meaning eating or swallowing; word formation example: dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing)
39. -rrhaphy: meaning suturing or repair; word formation example: herniorrhaphy (surgical repair of a hernia)
40. -emia: meaning blood condition; word formation example: leukopenia (low white blood cell count)
41. -pathy: meaning disease or disorder; word formation example: osteopathy (disease of the bones)
42. -graphy: meaning recording or imaging; word formation example: radiography (imaging using X-rays)
43. -lithiasis: meaning presence of stones; word formation example: urolithiasis (presence of urinary stones)
44. -tripsy: meaning crushing or breaking; word formation example: lithotripsy (breaking of kidney stones)
45. -penia: meaning deficiency or low levels; word formation example: thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)
46. -plasia: meaning growth or formation; word formation example: hyperplasia (excessive growth of cells)
47. -ptysis: meaning spitting or coughing up; word formation example: hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
48. -derma: meaning skin or outer layer; word formation example: epidermis (outer layer of the skin)
49. -pexy: meaning surgical fixation or suspension; word formation example: nephropexy (surgical fixation of a kidney)
50. -scope: meaning instrument for visual examination; word formation example: otoscope (instrument for examining the ear)
51. -trophy: meaning development or nourishment; word formation example: hypertrophy (increase in cell size)
52. -plegia: meaning paralysis or inability to move; word formation example: hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body)
53. -stenosis: meaning narrowing or constriction; word formation example: aortic stenosis (narrowing of the aortic valve)
54. -tripsy: meaning surgical crushing or breaking; word formation example: cholecystolithotripsy (surgical breaking of gallstones)
55. -rrhexis: meaning rupture or tearing; word formation example: splenorrhhexis (rupture of the spleen)
56. -malacia: meaning softening or degeneration; word formation example: chondromalacia (softening of cartilage)
57. -graphy: meaning process of recording or imaging; word formation example: mammography (imaging of the breast)
58. -plasia: meaning abnormal growth or development; word formation example: hyperplasia (overgrowth of cells)
59. -cele: meaning hernia or protrusion; word formation example: encephalocele (hernia of the brain)
60. -pathy: meaning disease or disorder; word formation example: myopathy (muscle disease)
Write out 60 suffix,their meaning and the word formation and their meaning in medical terms
1 answer