Write notes with the info below for a social studies test made up of 5 word bullet points
est or titute Whing ry to dres 785 empire in souming force behind their empire was the religion of Islam (IS-lahm). Within a century, Istam spread throughout parts of Asia, northern Africa, and Europe. THE LAND OF ARABIA 2. CITING TEXT EVIDENC would an oasis be imp Bedouin herdurs? The Arabian Peninsula, also called Arabia, is the homeland of the Arab people. It is also the center of Islam. Arabia is a huge wedge of land between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf Very dry plains and deserts cover most of the land. The desert heat can be intense. Summer temperatures can rise above 122°F (50°C). The intense heat begins soon after the sun rises and lasts until the sun sets. Water is available on the Arabian Peninsula only at scattered springs and water holes. Such a spot is called an oasis (oh-AY-suhs). At an oasis, trees and other plants grow. Not all of Arabia is desert, however. There are mountains and valleys in the southwestern region. Enough rain falls in these locations for juniper and olive trees to grow. In ancient times, the Arabian Peninsula was surrounded by many different civilizations. At various times, the Egyptian civilization was to the west, the Mesopotamian and Persian civilizations were to the north and east, and farther north were the civilizations of the Israelites, the Greeks, and the Romans. Long distances and the severe Arabian climate had kept these civilizations from invading the peninsula. This isolation, however, was not absolute, as trade brought some outside ideas and practices to the Arab civilization. In fact, the geography of Southwest Asia and its surrounding waterways, including the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, placed the area and ite morchants at the center of trade between the lands of the LIVE IN THE DESERT ted one another The bedouin ensoped camel and horse races and str theless the evenings they und complies Poets weste andrected poems abo batescemer horses, and lave The Ines below ere about an and battle he must fight. He describes his reliable ceithe LIFE IN TOWNS By the 500 CX, marty Arab hibes had settled around poses temountain väliry's. They set up villages, farmed or raised animals, and traded goods. Merchants carried goods by MUHAMMAD AND HIS MESSAGE THO WAS MUHAMMAD THE QURAN AN ISLA med The Ma ANDING MUHAMMAD'S OPPONENTS The ter people to become Musims, or followers of we Muhammad's family members. Slowly, Muhammate the supert at the poot, who were attracted to wwwring. Most wealthy menchants and religious leaders mougle Muhammad was trying to destroy the authent M had become too dangerous. They moved to Yuth Mutenmad's departure 10 Yathrib became known t Hinh). This Arebic word means "breaking off roa 11622 CA, Muhammad and his followers belleved eade ke Jews and Christians, Mustins belleve that God spe pole through prophets. Judasm. Christianity and cognize Abraham as their first prophet. For th SELIEFS AND PRACTICES OF ISLAM ING QUESTION lowest pr shares same bailes with Judaism and Chitty Le and Christens, Musing a morothasts, Mbeleven -powerful God who created the universe. They believe th oded what is right and wrong DEN are called the Abrahamic religions. For Muslims, don and Mohammad in blam, Five Mas Over the shori'ah Arcanding to share Mus the Five Pillars of oh based on the sayings and his t From the Hadith also comes the s t of moms and practices based on Muhammad's wo seeh Muhammad called on his followers to perfont washing or part of a religious res, to prey, and to perfo
1 answer
Social Studies Test Notes
Islam's Spread: Rapidly throughout Asia; Africa; Europe.
Arabian Peninsula: Homeland of Arab people; center of Islam.