write me a story. Make sure you go into detail. Detail Is very important. Here is the prompt - A girl wakes up out of her sleep out of breath. eventually catching her breath she gets up and goes to take a shower. Once done she is about to head over to the kitchen, but instead she goes towards the door. Putting on her shoes she pulls her hair into a pony tail and goes outsides. No really knowing where it is that shes going she just walks. Until eventually she finds herself at a park. Smiling softly she heads over and sits on a bench. As she looks at the play ground she a memory from her childhood plays in her mind.Suddenly she sees her mother pushing her little brother on a slide and her father pushing her yourself down the swing. They look happy. Very happy. Then suddenly the mother turns and looks at her and waves. She looks scared. Almost as if asking for help. The girl tilts her head a little as she watches her mother. suddenly her smaller self is seen standing above her mother and drops a rock on her head causing her to fall. Smirking a little her younger-self waves goodbye and disappears behind a piece of the playground. Next thing she knew her brother was one the swing. Swing up and down...up and down. And then like magic the girls younger-self is seen right behind her brother and is pushing him. At first softly and then aggressively. She continues going until her brother screams for help. Despite his screams she continues going until suddenly her goes flying into the air.

Here is what I have so far. This story will be the next chapter to my story.
The first thing I remember is being under something.
Something heavy.
Yet somehow soft. It was kinda comforting, but only for a split second. Until a sudden bright light is shown onto my face. Squinting my eyes I use my left hand to shield my face from the brightness of which was the sun.
“Five more minutes Minty…please,” I say mumbling softly as I try to fall asleep again, but Minty wouldn’t let me. My blanket flew off of my body and my bed tilted so that I’d fall face-first into the ground. Exhaling I sat up and leaned against the bed. I bowed my head and said my morning prayers. Smiling softly she pats the floor 3 times
“Thank you for leaving me Minty…most orphan girls would love to be left some money, but you know something is better than nothing”
Exhaling once more I slowly rose up and stretched my back cracking as I turned my body to the left. Walking towards my closet I pulled my hair into a ponytail. As i reach for my favorite red sundress suddenly my blue sundress is pushed into my view. Tilting my head I smile softly
“You got Taste Minty”
Grabbing the dress I head into the bathroom. As I place my dress onto the counter the shower turns on and I slowly strip to get in.
After my shower and I get dress I walk down my hallway and slide down my stairway railing. Landing smoothly on my feet I heard towards the kitchen. As I head to the pantry Minty slides a bowl down the counter just in time for me to pour my cereal into my bowl. Grabbing my milk I slowly pour my milk into the bowl. Grabbing a spoon I slide into a seat by a window that overviews the lake behind my house.
Smiling softly small images of my family and I crossed my mind. Little me jumped into the lake and my brother Jimmy joined me not long after. My mother was trying to fight off my father who was trying to push her into the water.

Now all four of us were in the water. Laughing and smiling together. One big happy family.
My smile grew a little has I watched younger me slowly get out of the water. She turned around and waved at me. She had a frown on her face and started shaking her head as she started screaming. Turning my attention back towards my family I couldn’t see them. Standing up I rushed to the window and placed a hand on the glass.
A hand could be seen coming out of the water. Reaching for the sky. It was my father. He was drowning. I rushed to the screendoor and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I shook the door 3 times before rushing back towards the window. My father was gone.
Very slowly my mother's body could be seen floating towards the top of the lake.
Stepping back some I touched my heart. My eyes scanned the backyard for my brother.
“Where are you” I say to myself trying to find my younger brother terrified for his life.
Finally spotting him I see him playing with my younger self. I only got a split second of relief before I saw my younger self push his head into the water. Despite him trying to fight her she holds down onto him and before she lets him slip off into the lake.
My mind goes blank
The first thing I remember is being under something.
Something heavy.

1 answer

Surrounded by guilt and confusion, I stumble backwards and fall to the floor. My heart pounding in my chest, I try to make sense of the vivid memories that played in my mind like a movie reel. How could I have forgotten such a horrifying event from my past?

Tears well up in my eyes as I try to shake off the memories. I push myself off the floor and walk over to the front door. Without a clear destination in mind, I slip on my shoes and step outside. The fresh air hits me and I take a deep breath, hoping to clear my mind.

I walk aimlessly, lost in my thoughts. The memories of my family at the park keep flashing through my mind, haunting me. Eventually, I find myself at a nearby park. I sit on a bench, staring blankly at the playground in front of me.

Suddenly, the memories flood back. I see my younger self playing with my family, the happiness radiating from all of us. But as the memories unfold, I see the darkness that lurked beneath the surface. The twisted actions of my younger self, the pain and fear in my family’s eyes.

I close my eyes, trying to block out the memories. But they refuse to fade. The guilt eats at me, consuming me from the inside out. How could I have done such terrible things, even if it was just in my imagination?

As I sit on the bench, lost in my thoughts, I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. Startled, I turn to see a kind-faced elderly woman smiling at me. “Are you okay, dear?” she asks softly.

Tears slip down my cheeks as I try to form words. The woman puts a comforting arm around me and listens as I recount the memories that have been haunting me. She listens without judgment, offering words of kindness and understanding.

As the sun begins to set, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. The memories may never fully fade, but I know now that I am not defined by my past actions. With the woman’s support, I stand up and take a deep breath, ready to face the world and confront the demons that have been haunting me for so long.

With a newfound sense of strength and determination, I walk away from the park, leaving behind the shadows of my past. And as I step into the unknown future, I know that I am not alone. I have the support of the kind-hearted woman and the courage within myself to move forward, one step at a time.