En visitant Wendake, j'ai choisi de participer à une excursion en canot sur la rivière Akiawenrahk (Rivière Saint-Charles). C'était incroyable de pagayer à travers les magnifiques paysages naturels et d'apprendre sur la culture huronne-wendat.
English translation: While visiting Wendake, I chose to take part in a canoe excursion on the Akiawenrahk River (Saint-Charles River). It was amazing to paddle through the beautiful natural landscapes and learn about the Huron-Wendat culture.
Now, let's break down the grammar used in these sentences:
1. En visitant Wendake - This phrase uses the gerund form "visitant" (visiting) to indicate that the action of visiting is happening at the same time as the main verb (j'ai choisi - I chose). "En" is used to introduce the gerund phrase.
2. j'ai choisi de participer à - Here, "j'ai choisi" means "I chose." The preposition "de" is used to introduce the infinitive verb "participer" (to participate in). So the complete phrase means "I chose to participate in."
3. une excursion en canot - This phrase means "a canoe excursion." "En" is used here to indicate the means or instrument of the activity.
4. C'était incroyable - This phrase means "It was amazing." "C'était" is the contraction of "ce" (it) and "était" (was). "Incroyable" means "amazing" or "incredible."
5. de pagayer à travers - "De" is used here as a preposition to introduce the infinitive verb "pagayer" (to paddle). So the phrase means "to paddle through."
6. les magnifiques paysages naturels - This phrase means "the magnificent natural landscapes." "Les" is used here as the definite article for plural nouns, and "magnifiques" and "naturels" are the adjectives describing the noun "paysages" (landscapes).
7. apprendre sur la culture huronne-wendat - This phrase means "to learn about the Huron-Wendat culture." "Sur" is used here as a preposition to mean "about." The adjective "Huron-Wendat" is used to describe the noun "culture."
So, in simple terms: I visited Wendake and chose to go on a canoe trip. It was amazing to paddle through beautiful nature and learn about the Huron-Wendat culture.
write me 2 sentences in french about a description of an activity you choose to do in wendake, translate it to english and explain some grammar in it for me like a 5 years old
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