Title: Laboratory Report: Herbarium Procedures for Collection, Pressing, Identification, and Determination of Botanical Composition of Legumes/Grasses
To familiarize ourselves with the procedures involved in creating and maintaining a herbarium, including the collection, pressing, identification of legumes/grasses, and determination of their botanical composition.
1. Collection:
a. Select a suitable location with diverse vegetation.
b. Use a plant press, sheet, and a pair of scissors to collect legumes/grasses.
c. Carefully uproot the plant, making sure to retain as much of the root system as possible.
d. Gently shake the soil off the roots and trim any excess dirt.
2. Pressing:
a. Place the collected plant between sheets of absorbent blotting paper.
b. Arrange the plant in a way that best displays its features, ensuring no overlapping of plant parts.
c. Stack multiple plants on top of each other, separating them with additional sheets of blotting paper.
d. Place the stack of plants in a plant press and tighten the straps to ensure firm and even pressure.
e. Leave the plants in the press to dry for two to three weeks.
3. Identification:
a. Remove the dried plant from the press.
b. Carefully examine and note down the key characteristics of the plant, such as leaf shape, arrangement, and presence of flowers/fruits.
c. Utilize botanical keys, field guides, and taxonomic resources to identify the legumes/grasses.
d. Document the identified species and label each specimen accordingly.
4. Determination of Botanical Composition:
a. Collect representative specimens of legumes/grasses from different locations.
b. Identify and label each specimen as done previously.
c. Calculate the percentage composition of each legume/grass species by dividing the number of individuals of a particular species by the total number of individuals collected, then multiplying by 100.
1. Plant press with straps
2. Absorbent blotting paper
3. Sheets for labeling
4. Sharp scissors
5. Botanical keys and field guides
6. Taxonomic resources
7. Collection containers
Herbariums are comprehensive collections of preserved plants that serve as valuable references for scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts. This report outlines the procedures involved in establishing and maintaining a herbarium, focusing on the collection, pressing, identification of legumes/grasses, and the determination of their botanical composition. Understanding these procedures is fundamental to accurately document and study plant diversity.
The successful collection of legumes/grasses requires careful selection of suitable locations. Additionally, the plant press plays a crucial role in preserving plants by applying consistent pressure during drying. The pressing process removes excess moisture, allowing for long-term preservation without decay. Proper identification is essential to ensure accurate botanical documentation, requiring the utilization of taxonomic keys, field guides, and other resources. Finally, the determination of botanical composition enables quantitative analysis of the relative abundance of different species within a given area.
Herbarium procedures, including collection, pressing, identification, and determination of botanical composition, are essential for the creation and maintenance of accurate plant reference collections. These processes aid scientists, researchers, and educators in the study of plant diversity, taxonomy, and ecological relationships. By following standardized protocols, herbaria contribute to our understanding and preservation of the natural world.
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To enhance the herbarium procedure experience, it is recommended to collaborate with botanical experts, visit established herbaria, and participate in field trips to diverse vegetation areas. This will provide valuable hands-on experience, enabling a deeper understanding of plant collection, pressing, identification, and determination techniques.
Write laboratory report in this topic;
1.Introduction to herbarium procedures (collection, pressing, identification of legumes/grasses and determination of botanical composition.within objective, procedure, material/apparatus, introduction, discussion/body, conclusion, reference and recommendation.
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