Sure! Here are the inequalities based on the given situations:
For the luggage weight: \( w \leq 60 \)
For the runner's time to qualify for the championship: \( t < 40 \)
At the airport, each piece of luggage to be checked in must not weigh more than 60 pounds.
Use w to represent the weight (in pounds) of a piece of luggage that can be checked in.
To quality for the championship, a runner must complete the race in less than 40 minutes.
Use t to represent the time (in minutes) of a runner who qualifies for the championship.
Don’t change the letters just write them as I gave them to you
1 answer
Sure! Here are the inequalities based on the given situations:
For the luggage weight: \( w \leq 60 \)
For the runner's time to qualify for the championship: \( t < 40 \)