Write ‘F’ beside each sentence fragment and then correct it. Write ‘R’ beside each run-on sentence and then correct it. Write ‘C’ beside the seven correct sentences.

Poverty Point, Louisiana, which is an archaeological site dating back to 2200 B.C., contains a geometric earthwork complex, consisting of more than eleven miles of raised terraces.
Seen Todd lately?
Jody plays tennis twice a week, she runs two or three miles on other days.
When Oklahoma was a center of the early cattle industry.
The current 50 star flag was designed by then 17-year-old Robert Heft, as part of a school project, for which he received a grade of B-, but when his design was chosen and adopted by presidential proclamation, his teacher changed his grade to an A.
Although President George Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, he never lived in it.
In class we are studying world capitals, therefore I now know Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland and Wellington is the capital of New Zealand
Al Capone was a famous gangster in Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s and he often said, “Public service is my motto.”

1 answer

Poverty Point, Louisiana, which is an archaeological site dating back to 2200 B.C., contains a geometric earthwork complex consisting of more than eleven miles of raised terraces. (C)
Seen Todd lately? (C)
Jody plays tennis twice a week; she runs two or three miles on other days. (R) Jody plays tennis twice a week. She also runs two or three miles on other days.
When Oklahoma was a center of the early cattle industry. (F) When Oklahoma was a center of the early cattle industry, many cowboys worked in the state.
The current 50 star flag was designed by then 17-year-old Robert Heft as part of a school project, for which he received a grade of B-. When his design was chosen and adopted by presidential proclamation, his teacher changed his grade to an A. (C)
Although President George Washington oversaw the construction of the White House, he never lived in it. (C)
In class, we are studying world capitals; therefore, I now know Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland and Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. (R) In class, we are studying world capitals; therefore, I now know that Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland and Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
Al Capone was a famous gangster in Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s, and he often said, “Public service is my motto.” (C)