To express the decimal number 0.400 and 0.900 in equivalent forms, we can convert them into fractions, percentages, and other decimal notations.
For 0.400:
- As a fraction: \( \frac{400}{1000} \) or simplified to \( \frac{4}{10} \) or further to \( \frac{2}{5} \).
- As a percentage: \( 0.400 \times 100 = 40% \).
For 0.900:
- As a fraction: \( \frac{900}{1000} \) or simplified to \( \frac{9}{10} \).
- As a percentage: \( 0.900 \times 100 = 90% \).
So, filling in the blanks, we get:
Thousandth: 0.400, \( \frac{4}{10} \), 40%
Thousandth: 0.900, \( \frac{9}{10} \), 90%