Write down the meaning of the following idioms and use them in sentences of your own

1.to sell one's house for a song
2.to feel a bit under the weather
3.to keep the wolf from the door
4.to save one's face
5.to be at crossroads
6.to see eye to eye
7.to be a greenhorn
8.to kill two birds with one stone
9.to play to the gallery
10.to let the grass grow under one's seer

1 answer

1. To sell one's house for a song means to sell it for a very low price.
Example: John had to sell his mansion for a song after he lost his job.

2. To feel a bit under the weather means to feel slightly ill or not in the best condition.
Example: Sarah decided to stay home from work as she was feeling a bit under the weather.

3. To keep the wolf from the door means to have enough money to prevent starvation or extreme poverty.
Example: Despite struggling financially, Mary managed to find a part-time job to keep the wolf from the door.

4. To save one's face means to avoid embarrassment or humiliation.
Example: Tom apologized to his colleagues in order to save his face after his mistake.

5. To be at crossroads means to be at a point where one has to make an important decision or choose a direction in life.
Example: After finishing college, Emma was at crossroads and had to decide whether to pursue further education or start working.

6. To see eye to eye means to have the same opinion or to agree on something.
Example: Although they come from different cultural backgrounds, Sarah and Elena always see eye to eye on important matters.

7. To be a greenhorn means to be inexperienced or new to a particular situation.
Example: Alex struggled in his first month as a teacher, as he was a greenhorn in the field of education.

8. To kill two birds with one stone means to achieve two objectives with a single action.
Example: Lucy decided to jog to work, as it helped her stay healthy and saved her time in commuting. She was able to kill two birds with one stone.

9. To play to the gallery means to act or behave in a way that pleases or entertains the general public or audience.
Example: The politician used populist rhetoric during the campaign, as he wanted to play to the gallery and gain support.

10. To let the grass grow under one's feet means to waste time or to be idle.
Example: Mark has been jobless for months, but he can't afford to let the grass grow under his feet. He needs to actively search for employment.