- Igloo: A dome-shaped house made of blocks of packed snow or ice, traditionally used by the Inuit people of the Arctic regions.
- Longhouse: A large, communal dwelling traditionally used by Native American tribes in the Northeastern United States and Canada, characterized by its long, narrow shape and shared living space.
- Potlatch: A traditional ceremony and feast practiced by indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest, where hosts give away or distribute gifts to guests to demonstrate wealth, status, and to strengthen social bonds.
- Teepee: A cone-shaped tent traditionally used by Native American tribes of the Plains region, made of poles covered with animal hides or canvas.
- Wigwam: A domed or cone-shaped dwelling made of a framework of poles covered with bark, mats, or animal hides, traditionally used by Native American tribes of the Northeastern United States.
Write down the definition of each key term in this lesson. Tip…use the glossary in your textbook.
• Igloo
• Longhouse
• Potlatch
• Tepee
• Wigwam
1 answer