Write down a sentence in a contraction in each box.

Write down a sentence having a contraction in each box.

Write down a sentence with a contraction in each box.

Write down a sentence in a shortened word in each box.

Write down a sentence having a shortened word in each box.

Write down a sentence with a shortened word in each box.

Write down a sentence containing a shortened word in each box.

Are the sentences all grammatical? Would you take a look at the expressions above?

1 answer

Write down a sentence in a contraction in each box. incorrect

Write down a sentence having a contraction in each box. correct

Write down a sentence with a contraction in each box. correct

Write down a sentence in a shortened word in each box. incorrect

Write down a sentence having a shortened word in each box. incorrect

Write down a sentence with a shortened word in each box. incorrect

Write down a sentence containing a shortened word in each box. incorrect

The term "shortened word" isn't used. Use "contraction" for words with apostrophes in them (isn't, I'll, we've, didn't, ...), and use "abbreviation" for a shortened form of a word, such as "etc." or "intro."