Write CX before each complex sentence. Write CP before each compound sentence.

I need to know whether or not they are correct.

1. (CX) The workers who patrolt he park must know every centimeter of the grounds.

2. (CX) Saul and Mike get together whenever they can.

3. (CX) That song, which you keep hearing on the radio, was written by a Canadian.

4. (CP) When it started to snow, everyone headed for the ski hill.

5. (CP) The town was ont he map, but all you could see was an overpass.

6. (CX) The mayor, who was elected in November, said taxes won't rise.

7. (CP) When she arrives, Miranda will take charge.

PS: For the ones that are CX, please state which part of the sentence is independant if possible.


2 answers

The only compound sentence is # 5.

The others are complex because they have dependent clauses.

To find the independent clauses, look for the parts of the sentence that can stand alone.

For instance, in the first sentence, the dependent clause is: The workers must know every centimeter of the grounds.

But don't you mean independant, since: "The workers must know every centemeter of the grounds." Can stand alone. And: "who patrol the park" is dependant.

Thanks for helping.