Write code which takes a sentence as an input from the user and then prints the length of the first word in that sentence. Hint #1: think about how you know where the first word ends - you may assume that the sentence contains more than one word. Hint #2: To make your life easier, use a string method that utilizes space. It looks kind of looks like this: String.method(" "). Sample run 1: Enter a sentence: Everything in its right place 10 Sample run 2: Enter a sentence: Down is the new up

1 answer

Here's a simple Python code that takes a sentence as input from the user and then prints the length of the first word in that sentence:

# Prompt the user to enter a sentence
sentence = input("Enter a sentence: ")

# Split the sentence using space and get the first word
first_word = sentence.split(" ")[0]

# Calculate the length of the first word
length_of_first_word = len(first_word)

# Print the length of the first word


  1. The code prompts the user to enter a sentence.
  2. The split(" ") method is used to break the sentence into words at each space. This returns a list of words.
  3. The first word is accessed with sentence.split(" ")[0].
  4. The len() function is used to calculate the length of the first word.
  5. Finally, the length is printed.

Sample Runs:

  • If the user inputs Everything in its right place, the output will be 9.
  • If the user inputs Down is the new up, the output will be 4.