Write brief accounts upon the nursery rhyme from the indicated point of view:
"Little Jack Horner"
1. Jack's mother's comments on his sticking his finger in the pie.
"Oh, Jack! How could you?! That pie was to be eaten after the Christmas feast!"
2. The reason why Jack's father had him in the corner.
"Do not blame Jack, my dear. He must have gotten ahold of the pie after I placed him in the corner for misbehaving."
3. Jack's explanation of his claim to be a good boy.
"I am a good boy because I found the plum! I found the needle in the haystack!"
"Hey, Diddle Diddle"
1. Comments from the cat's music teacher on his fiddle playing.
"Why, your fiddle playing has grown magnificent! You should be proud. It takes a lot of talent to make a cow jump over the moon."
2. The speech the judge makes while honoring the cow for high jumping.
"I have never seen such agility and strength in all my years of judging. Who would have thought that a cow would have been the one to make me see it?"
3. The spoon's reaction to leaving the plate.
"Yes! Let's leave this place and never look back! We will never be washed again!"
2 answers