write as a 7th grader


- Demonstrate knowledge of religions, culture, innovations, government, and achievements of a classical African Civilization

Choose ONE of the African civilizations we have studied this unit or from the list below. You will need to research your civilization and find out the G.R.A.P.E.S. characteristics of that civilization. Remember that research takes time and thought… make sure you give yourself the time and pace yourself as you read about your civilization!

Since Module 3 in the first semester, we have been focusing on G.R.A.P.E.S. of each civilization; that is, we have been looking at how each civilization is unique based on their Geography, Religions and beliefs, Achievements, Political structures, Economics, and Social structures. For this project, you will research a classical African civilization and create a project that showcases EACH of these characteristics.
Here are some guidelines to help you. You do not need to answer every question, but use these to guide what kinds of information you should have:
Geography- Where is your civilization? What does its landscape look like? What are some challenges and opportunities that face the people who have lived there at the time of your civilization?
Religion- What were the main religions or beliefs of the people of your civilization? Did it change over time?
Achievements- What are some achievements of your civilization? What monuments or famous places did they build? What did they invent? What did they control? What are they known for?
Politics- What kind of political structure did they have? Who had the power, and how? Why?
Economics- What items did your civilization produce? What did they grow? What did they create? How did they participate in trade? Who did they trade with?
Social Structure- Did they have social classes? Who was in the upper social classes, and who was in the bottom? Why? What was daily life like? Were things different for men and women? How did they educate children?

AT THE END OF YOUR PROJECT, include a section that describes why you think this civilization should be remembered. This should be in your own words and include reasons based on what you have found in your research.
Remember to also list your resources, and check that you are using proper grammar and spelling!

Your project can be created using Google Slides or Google Docs.
Each G.R.A.P.E.S. topic should have at least four sentences that fully explain that topic for your civilization.
Remember to include your sources at the end! This includes the lessons you used or any outside websites.

3 answers

For my project, I chose to research the ancient civilization of Kush.

Geography: Kush was located along the Nile River in modern-day Sudan. The landscape was mostly desert, but the Nile provided fertile land for farming. The people of Kush faced challenges such as harsh desert conditions and flooding from the Nile, but they also had the opportunity to trade with other civilizations along the river.

Religion: The people of Kush worshipped a pantheon of gods similar to those of ancient Egypt. The main god of Kush was Amun, the god of the sun and air. Over time, the religion of Kush blended with that of Egypt.

Achievements: Kush is known for its pyramids, similar to those in Egypt. They also had a strong military and were able to conquer and control territories along the Nile. They were skilled in metalworking and jewelry making.

Politics: Kush had a monarchy with a king ruling over the people. The king held absolute power and was seen as a god. The kingdom was divided into smaller regions ruled by governors appointed by the king.

Economics: Kush was known for producing gold, ivory, and ebony. They traded with Egypt, Arabia, and other civilizations along the Nile. They also had a system of bartering and currency for trade.

Social Structure: Kush had a social hierarchy with the king at the top, followed by nobles, priests, and common people. Women had more rights and opportunities compared to other ancient civilizations. Children were educated at home by their parents or in temple schools.

I believe that Kush should be remembered for its unique blend of Egyptian and African cultures, its impressive pyramids, and its contributions to trade and metalworking in ancient Africa.

- "Kush Civilization" lesson
- National Geographic website
- Ancient History Encyclopedia website
write as a 7 year old
For my project, I picked to study an old place called Kush.

Kush was by a big river called the Nile in a country called Sudan. The land was kind of dry, but the river made it good for growing plants. People in Kush had to deal with the hot sun and sometimes the river flooded, but they could also trade with others.

The people in Kush believed in many gods, like a god named Amun who was in charge of the sun and air. They liked to build pyramids and make pretty jewelry.

Kush had a king who was like a big boss. Other people in Kush had jobs like priests and nobles. They traded gold, ivory, and ebony with other places near the river.

Kush should be remembered for their cool pyramids, how they traded with other places, and for being a mix of Egyptian and African cultures.

I used a lesson about Kush and websites from National Geographic and Ancient History Encyclopedia.