In> In3+ + 3e-
Cd2+ + 2e- >> Cd
Write an overall balanced equation for these unbalanced half-reactions:
In --> In3+
Cd2+ --> Cd
I multiplied both sides by integers to get the electrons to be equal on both sides but I don't know what the final overall balanced equation looks like.
6 answers
Yes, I understand how to split it up with the e-, but what is the final overall balanced equation?
It is balanced in charge, and mass. Why would one want more?
i'm not sure, but it wants to combine the two half reactions into a full reaction.
I think you're looking for this. Just add the two equations you multiplied to get the electrons equal.
2In + 3Cd^2+ ==> 2In^3+ + 3Cd
2In + 3Cd^2+ ==> 2In^3+ + 3Cd