Write an essay in which you critically discuss “the nature and role of public international law in municipal law and its implications for the notion of absolute state sovereignty.”

1. Structure you essay according the following numbered headings. You are welcome to add subheadings.
1.1. The equality and sovereignty of states (Reference to UN and African Charters essential.)
1.2. The universality of certain norms and values applicable in inter-state relations, with specific reference to the principle of universal jurisdiction and jus cogens.
1.3. The notion of state immunity with reference to its original meaning, justification and application. Is exclusion of criminal responsibility for heinous crimes because of state immunity still sensible?
1.4. The role of treaties in the formation of international law. (Reference to treaty obligations essential).
1.5. The role and place of public international law in South African law. (Reference to the SA Constitution, essential)
1.6. Conclusion in which you motivate your answer as whether state sovereignty must be applied as absolute norm in public international law.

1 answer

Public international law plays a crucial role in regulating the interactions between sovereign states, as well as providing a framework for international cooperation and conflict resolution. At the same time, it raises questions about the extent to which sovereign states should be bound by international obligations, and how these obligations should be enforced in municipal law. This essay will critically discuss the nature and role of public international law in municipal law, with particular focus on its implications for the notion of absolute state sovereignty.

1.1. The equality and sovereignty of states
The United Nations Charter and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights both emphasize the principles of state equality and sovereignty. These charters affirm the right of states to govern themselves without external interference, while also recognizing the importance of international cooperation and respect for human rights. However, the principle of state sovereignty is not absolute, as states also have obligations under international law to respect certain fundamental norms and values.

1.2. The universality of certain norms and values
Certain norms and values, such as the prohibition of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes, are considered to be universally applicable in inter-state relations. The principle of universal jurisdiction allows states to prosecute individuals for these crimes, regardless of where the crimes were committed or the nationality of the perpetrator. This reflects a shift towards a more cosmopolitan approach to international law, which prioritizes the protection of human rights over traditional notions of state sovereignty.

1.3. The notion of state immunity
State immunity has traditionally been justified on the grounds of sovereign equality and the need to preserve diplomatic relations between states. However, the application of state immunity has come under scrutiny in cases involving serious human rights violations, where states have sought to avoid criminal responsibility for their actions. The exclusion of state immunity for heinous crimes raises questions about the limits of state sovereignty and the accountability of states for their actions.

1.4. The role of treaties in international law
Treaties play a central role in the formation of international law, as they allow states to enter into binding agreements with one another. States are bound by the obligations they undertake in treaties, which can cover a wide range of issues including human rights, trade, and the environment. Treaty obligations can have a significant impact on municipal law, as states are required to incorporate these obligations into their domestic legal systems.

1.5. The role of public international law in South African law
In South Africa, public international law is recognized as part of the law of the land, and is binding on all branches of government. The South African Constitution incorporates international human rights standards, which can override conflicting domestic laws. This reflects a commitment to upholding international law and ensuring that states are held accountable for their actions on the international stage.

1.6. Conclusion
In conclusion, the notion of absolute state sovereignty must be reconsidered in light of the increasing importance of public international law in regulating inter-state relations. While state sovereignty remains a fundamental principle of international law, states also have obligations to respect certain universal norms and values. The enforcement of these obligations in municipal law may require a balancing of state sovereignty with the need to uphold human rights and international legal standards. Ultimately, the role of public international law in municipal law highlights the complex interplay between state sovereignty, international obligations, and the protection of human rights in a globalized world.