I assume you can handle the java syntax, but the flow of logic is
integer a,b,c,option,err
print "Enter two integers: "
read a,b
print "Enter option:
1: add
2: subtract
3: multiply
4: divide "
read option
case option {
1: c=a+b
2: c=a-b
3: c=a*b
4: if (b==0){
print "Division by zero not allowed"
}else {c=a/b}
else: {err=1;print "Invalid option"}
if err==0 print c
Write an application that prompts the user for two integers and then prompts the user to enter an option as follows: 1 to add the two integers, 2 to subtract the second integer from the first, 3 to multiply the integers, and 4 to divide the first integer by the second. Display an error message if the user enters an option other than 1 through 4 or if the user chooses the divide option but enters 0 for the second integer. Otherwise, display the results of the arithmetic. Save the file as Calculate.java.
1 answer