Write an account of the climbing boy's experiences from his point of view. This is the same question from last day, which I have improved. Please tell me if I could add anything else in it to make it beter,thanks
I feel very weak. In this condition, I just can’t do much. My arms and legs are black-and-blue. I am partly injured everywhere. My only and last wish is to die today instead of tomorrow. I cannot live with these grievances and am ready to depart.
9 answers
That's better. However, what about the pain from the burns?
You should also tell where the child is.
I feel very weak. In this condition, I just can’t do much. I am in the chimney sweep and I'm stuck. I cannot move and make my way through out of here. My arms and legs are black-and-blue. I am partly injured everywhere. It hurts to walk, sit, and I just feel Paralyzed. My only and last wish is to die today instead of tomorrow. I cannot live with these grievances and am ready to depart.
Is this better, please add anything else to make it better, thanks.
Is this better, please add anything else to make it better, thanks.
You ignored my question about the burns.
I feel very weak. In this condition, I just can’t do much. I am in the chimney sweep and I'm stuck. I cannot move and make my way through out of here. My arms and legs are black-and-blue. I am partly injured everywhere. I have burns on my legs and arms that ache and it just feels as if someone has dropped hot coal on them. It hurts to walk, sit, and I just feel Paralyzed. My only and last wish is to die today instead of tomorrow. I cannot live with these grievances and am ready to depart.
Sara, you don't seem to understand your source or your assignment.
Please go back and read both carefully. Then, start over again to do this assignment.
Please go back and read both carefully. Then, start over again to do this assignment.
Okay, but can you tell me how I would start this off, because I tried to put myself in his shoes and speak about his experience. Also, could you please tell me what main details I have to include in this,thanks
You're stuck in a chimney. You're bruised, scraped and badly burned. You certainly can't walk.
thanks, I'll do this assignemnt on my own tonight, and post it on here tomorrow for you to check, thanks again Ms. Sue:-)