Write a summary about how advancements or practices of one civilization

influenced the other civilization. Your summary should be about a paragraph in
As you write your summary, use the following questions as a guide. Note, you
do not need to answer every question.
• How did the development of one culture influence or impact advancements or
development of the other culture?
• How did factors such as trade or migration affect the spread of cultural
practices or ideas?
• In what ways were cultural practices of one civilization adapted or adopted
by another civilization?
Make it super simple please

5 answers

The advancements and practices of the Maya civilization greatly influenced the Aztecs. The Maya civilization had achieved remarkable advancements in agriculture, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy. The Aztecs, upon encountering the Maya, were inspired by their agricultural techniques and adopted their innovative methods such as terracing and irrigation. Additionally, the Mayan calendar and numerical system greatly influenced the Aztecs and became integral elements of their own cultural practices. The cultural practices and ideas were spread through trade and migrations between the civilizations. The Aztecs recognized the achievements of the Maya and adapted their practices to suit their own needs, leading to cultural exchange and development between the two civilizations.
Sorry, but could you make it a tad bit shorter and more easy to understand?
The Maya civilization influenced the Aztecs through their advancements in agriculture, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy. The Aztecs adopted the Maya's agricultural techniques, calendar, and numerical system. This cultural exchange between the civilizations was facilitated through trade and migration.
okay a tiny bit longer please.
The Maya civilization had a significant impact on the Aztecs due to their advancements in various areas. The Maya's achievements in agriculture, architecture, mathematics, and astronomy influenced the development of the Aztec civilization. The Aztecs adopted the Maya's innovative agricultural techniques, such as terracing and irrigation, which improved their own farming practices. Furthermore, the Aztecs incorporated the Mayan calendar and numerical system into their cultural practices, recognizing their sophistication and usefulness. Trade and migration played a crucial role in spreading the cultural practices and ideas between the Maya and Aztecs, leading to further adaptation and development within both civilizations.