To find a smaller and a larger number than 54703, you can look at the digits in the number 54703, which consists of 5, 4, 7, 0, 3. Now, let's show the workings for finding a smaller and a larger number:
Smaller Number
Identify the last digit: The last digit of 54703 is 3. To make a smaller number, we need to decrease the last digit:
- Decrease the last digit from 3 to 2.
- This gives us 54702.
Confirm the number: 54702 is indeed less than 54703.
Smaller Number: 54702
Larger Number
Identify the last digit again: The last digit of 54703 is 3. To make a larger number, we need to increase the last digit:
- Increase the last digit from 3 to 4.
- This gives us 54704.
Confirm the number: 54704 is indeed greater than 54703.
Larger Number: 54704
- Smaller Number: 54702
- Larger Number: 54704