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Write a simple ATM program. Ask the user to enter their account number, and then print their beginning balance. (Just make one up). Then ask them if they want to make a deposit or a withdrawal. Depending on their selection, call a function to perform the action that they wish. Then print the new balance. They should be able to do as many transactions as they wish, so use iteration here.
2 answers
Below is a small perl program which does the job. You may not know perl, but it should be possible to figure out what it's doing.
It does not validate input as a number, but it does illustrate some of the possible gotchas, and what can be done.
print "Enter Account Number: ";
$acct = <STDIN>;
$bal = 500 + rand(500); #random balance from 500 to 1000
$bal = int($bal*100)*.01; #restrict to 2 decimal places
printf "Current Balance: \$%4.2f\n",$bal;
while (1) {
print "Deposit(D) or Withdrawal(W) or Quit(Q) ? ";
until (($dw = <STDIN>) =~ /^\s*[dw]\s*$/i) { # make sure onlt D or W is entered
exit if $dw =~ /^q/i;
chomp $dw;
print "\"$dw\" is not a valid choice.\n";
print "Deposit(D) or Withdrawal(W)? ";
$dw =~ s/\s+//g; # strip white space
$dw = "\U$dw"; # convert to upper case
if ($dw eq "D") {
$bal += update("Deposit");
} else {
$bal -= update("Withdrawal",$bal);
printf "New balance: \$%4.2f\n",$bal;
print "\nAnother transaction [Y]? ";
$yn = <STDIN>;
last unless $yn =~ /^y?\s*$/i; #exit unless Y or <cr> entered
# Get deposit/withdrawal amount.
# This function does not validate input as number
sub update {
my ($dw,$cb) = @_; # get D/W and current balance
print "Amount of $dw: \$";
$amt = <STDIN>;
return $amt if $dw eq "Deposit"; # allow any deposit
while ($amt > $cb) {
printf "You cannot withdraw \$%4.2f -- balance is only \$%4.2f
Please enter an amount less than \$%4.2f: \$",$amt,$cb,$cb;
$amt = <STDIN>;
return $amt;
It does not validate input as a number, but it does illustrate some of the possible gotchas, and what can be done.
print "Enter Account Number: ";
$acct = <STDIN>;
$bal = 500 + rand(500); #random balance from 500 to 1000
$bal = int($bal*100)*.01; #restrict to 2 decimal places
printf "Current Balance: \$%4.2f\n",$bal;
while (1) {
print "Deposit(D) or Withdrawal(W) or Quit(Q) ? ";
until (($dw = <STDIN>) =~ /^\s*[dw]\s*$/i) { # make sure onlt D or W is entered
exit if $dw =~ /^q/i;
chomp $dw;
print "\"$dw\" is not a valid choice.\n";
print "Deposit(D) or Withdrawal(W)? ";
$dw =~ s/\s+//g; # strip white space
$dw = "\U$dw"; # convert to upper case
if ($dw eq "D") {
$bal += update("Deposit");
} else {
$bal -= update("Withdrawal",$bal);
printf "New balance: \$%4.2f\n",$bal;
print "\nAnother transaction [Y]? ";
$yn = <STDIN>;
last unless $yn =~ /^y?\s*$/i; #exit unless Y or <cr> entered
# Get deposit/withdrawal amount.
# This function does not validate input as number
sub update {
my ($dw,$cb) = @_; # get D/W and current balance
print "Amount of $dw: \$";
$amt = <STDIN>;
return $amt if $dw eq "Deposit"; # allow any deposit
while ($amt > $cb) {
printf "You cannot withdraw \$%4.2f -- balance is only \$%4.2f
Please enter an amount less than \$%4.2f: \$",$amt,$cb,$cb;
$amt = <STDIN>;
return $amt;