Write a short survey (8 to 10 questions) that is related to careers in general, careers in IT, or another occupational topic. Remember, this survey should somehow relate to your final project . Distribute this survey to at least four relatives and/or friends who are at least 18 years of age. Include a disclaimer in the survey that indicates it is for a school project, no name is needed from the individual, and the results are confidential. (See the Survey Example below.)

When you receive your surveys back, analyze the data in both summary and graphical form. Your summary should be 500 to 1,000 words. Put the original survey, summary, and graph into one document and post it to your Assignments forum.

9 answers

How can I help you with this assignment?
I am confused about the analyzing and Data
Do you have any data to analyze yet? Have you finished distributing the survey yet?
no I am not quite done with that, could you give me an example and I will go from there?
It sounds as if you haven't circulated your survey yet -- or maybe haven't even written it.

Once you write up your 8-10 questions, you can repost if you want people's input.

If you have the survey but haven't circulated it, please do so and get responses before you post again.

I have not received all of my surveys back yet, I am just confused on how to analyze this and make the data?
You can't analyze it until you get all the surveys back. Let us know when you do.

Be sure to tell us all the questions you asked, as well as the survey results. No one will be able to help you without that information.
Ok thank you so much, I am just really confused about this project, I have never had to do anything like this before.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this brief survey for my class project. The information gathered will be analyzed to determine how an individual’s educational background relates to his or her career choice. Your input will be helpful in performing this analysis. All information that you provide in this survey will be kept confidential and is only used in my analysis anonymously; you do not need to include your name. I would appreciate your prompt response within three days. Simply complete and return the survey to my email address. If you have any questions, please email me at:

How long have you been out of high school?
□ 0 to 6 months
□ 7 to 11 months
□ 1 to 2 years
□ 2 years to 5 years
□ More than 5 years
□ Not applicable: I did not graduate

How long after graduating did you decide to further you education, if at all?
□ 0 to 6 months
□ 7 to 11 months
□ 1 to 2 years
□ 2 years to 5 years
□ More than 5 years
□ Not applicable: I did pursue a higher education

What made you decide to get a higher education?
□ Scholarship for grades
□ I Wanted a degree in a specific field
□ My parents strongly urged me to go.
□ I was accepted into the college of my choice
□ Sports
□ Other (please specify): _________________________

How long after college did it take you to find a job?
□ 0 to 6 months
□ 7 to 11 months
□ 1 to 2 years
□ 2 years to 5 years
□ More than 5 years

How did you select your career?

□ The degree I earned (or college classes taken) related to the career field.
□ I have strong interest in the field.
□ The salary level and benefits of the career were attractive.
□ Other (please specify): _________________________

If you attended college before selecting your career, how much practical knowledge did you gain from your academic experience as it related to the career you chose immediately following college?

Check one:

□ A great deal
□ Some practical knowledge
□ No practical knowledge gained
□ Not applicable: I have not attended college or I am not working.

How long have you been (or were you employed) in your first career position.

Check one:

□ 0 to 6 months
□ 7 to 11 months
□ 1 to 2 years
□ 25 months to 5 years
□ More than 5 years
□ Not applicable: I do not currently work or do not hold a position in the field in which I would like a career.

Do you plan on going back to school to further your education?
□ Yes
□ No
□ Maybe

Again, your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used anonymously in my analysis. Thank you for your responses. I appreciate the time you took to complete the survey.

If you have any questions, please contact me through the email address used to supply this survey to you.
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