Write a short quiz program which asks two true/false questions and stores the user's answers as booleans. At the end of the program it should print the user's answers with the correct answers. in java

1 answer

Here's a simple Java quiz program that asks two true/false questions, stores the user's answers as booleans, and then prints out both the user's answers and the correct answers at the end:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class QuizProgram {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        // Declare the questions and answers
        String question1 = "Is the sky blue?";
        boolean answer1Correct = true; // Correct answer is true
        String question2 = "Is 2 + 2 equal to 5?";
        boolean answer2Correct = false; // Correct answer is false
        // Ask the first question
        boolean userAnswer1 = getUserAnswer(scanner);
        // Ask the second question
        boolean userAnswer2 = getUserAnswer(scanner);
        // Print results
        System.out.println("\nYour Answers:");
        System.out.println("1. " + question1 + " Your answer: " + userAnswer1 + " | Correct answer: " + answer1Correct);
        System.out.println("2. " + question2 + " Your answer: " + userAnswer2 + " | Correct answer: " + answer2Correct);
    private static boolean getUserAnswer(Scanner scanner) {
        String input = scanner.nextLine();
        // Convert user input to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
        return input.equalsIgnoreCase("true");

How It Works:

  1. Question Definitions: The program defines two questions and their correct answers.
  2. User Input: It prompts the user for answers, expecting "true" or "false".
  3. Input Processing: The getUserAnswer method reads the user input and converts it to a boolean based on whether the input matches "true" (case insensitive).
  4. Result Display: After both questions are answered, the program prints out the user's answers alongside the correct answers.

Running the Program:

  • Compile the program using javac QuizProgram.java.
  • Execute it with java QuizProgram.
  • Follow the prompts to answer the questions.

This program provides a simple framework for a true/false quiz and can be easily expanded with more questions as needed.