In the short story "Borders" by Thomas King, one of the individuals affected by a border crossing is the narrator's mother. The ACEs format can be used to understand the impact on her:
A: The narrator's mother, as a Blackfoot woman living on the Canadian side of the border, is directly affected by the crossing. She identifies strongly with her Indigenous heritage and has learned to assert her identity and challenge imposed borders. For her, borders are artificial and symbolic barriers that attempt to erase her cultural heritage.
C: The mother's steadfast refusal to recognize the border's legitimacy affects her daily life. When asked about her nationality at the border, she consistently responds, "I am Blackfoot." She even brings back border officials the following day, with declarations from tribal elders asserting their sovereignty and denouncing colonial borders. Her purpose is to challenge the reductive notion of nationality and remind people of the rich history and identity of her people.
E: The mother's refusal to acknowledge the border has both internal and external effects. Internally, she affirms her sense of self and values by refusing to be confined by imposed boundaries. She takes pride in her heritage and asserts her cultural identity without compromise. Externally, her refusal puts her at odds with border officials and challenges their authority, leading to ongoing conflict and tension. However, her bold actions also inspire others within the community, who witness her determination to resist assimilation and protect her heritage.
S: The narrator's mother in "Borders" serves as a powerful symbol of resistance against colonial borders. While her actions may not create immediate change, her refusal to acquiesce to artificial boundaries serves as a source of inspiration and empowerment for herself and others. Through her stance, she highlights the importance of asserting one's heritage and challenging oppressive systems that seek to erase cultural identities.
write a short explanation of how one of the individuals in Borders is affected by a border crossing using aces format
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