Write a short essay about a character or person unlike yourself. In this essay, you should attempt to understand the character or person positive motivations. positive motivations can be difficult to understand when it comes to people unlike yourself. No matter how good or evil a character’s actions may appear to others, the actor must think that what he/she doing is best option,the most positive action he/ she can take give the situation. Attempt to find positive motivation for someone doing something we view as negative. We know that from time to time , actor are ask realistically portray historical like Annie Wilkes in Misery . Even tho actors certainly find the results of these people action repugnant,their profession demand they must try to find positive motivation.
1 answer
Annie Wilkes, the antagonist in Stephen King's novel "Misery," is a character utterly unlike myself. Her actions are dark, disturbing, and seemingly devoid of any redeeming qualities. It is difficult for me to fathom how someone could find positive motivations behind such negative actions. However, as an actor, I am tasked with understanding and embodying characters, even those with whose actions I personally disagree. Therefore, I venture to explore Annie Wilkes' positive motivations, in an attempt to grasp her twisted perspective.
To begin, it is important to acknowledge that Annie Wilkes suffers from severe psychological and emotional problems. Her isolation and instability have molded her into a deeply disturbed individual who finds solace in fiction. It is in this distorted perception of reality that we must search for her positive motivations.
As an avid reader, Annie immerses herself in the world of literature. It is through the medium of books that she connects with a version of reality that is far removed from her own. When she stumbles upon her favorite author, Paul Sheldon, the positive motivations behind her actions start to emerge. Annie views Paul's work as a sanctuary, a realm of escape from her painful and lonely existence. In her mind, Paul's stories provide a refuge for her suffering soul.
When Annie learns that Paul plans to kill off her beloved character, Misery, her actions become even more extreme. Her obsession with the fictional character transcends logic, driving her to desperate measures to maintain Misery's presence. For Annie, these actions are not born out of evil intent, but rather from an overwhelming desperation to preserve the one thing that brings her fleeting solace. In her twisted perspective, she believes she is righting a wrong that Paul has committed against her and the entire fictional world she holds so dear.
Moreover, Annie's medical background further shapes her motivations. As a former nurse, she operates under a warped sense of duty and responsibility. She believes herself to be Paul's savior, both physically and emotionally, battling his demons with her own twisted methods. In her distorted mind, her actions stem from a misguided attempt to heal Paul's suffering, to mold him into the author she believes he should be.
It is important to understand that in Annie's mind, there is a logic, albeit a distorted one, to her actions. While we may find her methods repugnant, she genuinely believes she is doing what is best given her circumstances. She clings to the false semblance of control that her actions provide, as they allow her to exert power over a world that has left her shattered and alone.
In conclusion, while understanding and empathizing with Annie Wilkes and characters like her may be challenging, it is a necessary exercise for actors and, indeed, for all individuals seeking to understand the complexities of human nature. Through exploring the positive motivations behind even the darkest actions, we can gain insights into the motivations that drive individuals to commit acts that seem deplorable to societal standards. It is not about condoning or excusing such actions, but rather about expanding our understanding of the multifaceted nature of the human experience.