write a short easy beginning paragraph on this

On a cold night in January, a Harvard University professor with a billowing white beard stood on stage in a theater in New York City, with an icon of the environmentalist movement beside him. Both men were staring down a problem. How could they convince their counterparts on the stage, along with the 300 people at Hunter College's Kaye Playhouse for a debate, that the world should bring back Velociraptors? Could they sway them to at least bring back an extinct pigeon? The theme song from the 1993 blockbuster "Jurassic Park" was playing in the background, chipping away at their argument before the debate even began. In the film, based on the 1990 Michael Crichton book, dinosaurs are brought back from extinction to fill a theme park. "That film took sides. The experiment blows up. People get hurt," moderator John Donvan told the crowd. "But not before actor Jeff Goldblum declares, 'Scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.' And then, a dinosaur eats Jeff Goldblum." Actually, a dinosaur does not eat Goldblum's mathematician character, but chaos certainly reigns in the movie and its myriad sequels because of de-extinction. Those images are what George Church, of the billowing white beard, and Stewart Brand would need to overcome to win the debate. Church helped launch the Human Genome Project, and Brand is a founder and editor of the Whole Earth Catalog magazine. The Human Genome Project is a global, long-term res.

1 answer

On a cold winter night in New York City, a Harvard professor and an environmentalist icon found themselves facing a challenging task. Standing on stage in a theater, they pondered how to persuade the audience, including 300 people at Hunter College's Kaye Playhouse, about the idea of bringing back extinct species such as Velociraptors or even a simple pigeon. However, the familiar theme song from "Jurassic Park" served as a reminder of the disastrous consequences that befell the characters in the popular 1993 film. Moderator John Donvan acknowledged the movie's cautionary message, but the professor, George Church, and the environmentalist, Stewart Brand, were determined to overcome those negative associations and make their case in the upcoming debate. Church, renowned for his involvement in launching the Human Genome Project, and Brand, the founder of the Whole Earth Catalog magazine, were well-prepared for an engaging discussion on the topic of de-extinction.