Write a response to this:I think that the US should have annexed Hawaii because it would give strategic military advantage, economic benefits from sugar plantations, and the spread of US influence in the Pacific. This was important for the US military defensive strategies. According to Source A of Civic Discussion, “Leaders in Washington were concerned that Hawaii might become part of a European nation’s empire. During the 1830s, Britain and France forced Hawaii to accept treaties giving them economic privileges.” Consequently, Secretary of State Daniel Webster sent a letter to Hawaiian agents to affirm their interests in Hawaii annexation. Furthermore, he proposed to Great Britain and France that “no nation should seek special privileges or engage in further colonization of the islands.” Hawaii’s economy became progressively unified with the US as a new source of sugar cane production was founded. As a result, a treaty was made that “further linked the two countries and U.S. sugar plantation owners from the United States came to dominate the economy and politics of the islands.”
1 answer
The annexation process was not carried out in a transparent or democratic manner, and the native Hawaiian population did not have a say in the matter. The economic benefits that the US gained from the sugar plantations came at the expense of the Hawaiian people, who were often exploited and marginalized.
It is crucial to acknowledge the negative consequences of imperialism and colonization on indigenous populations, and to consider the long-term impacts of such actions. While strategic military advantage and economic benefits are important considerations, they should not come at the expense of the rights and well-being of the native people of Hawaii.