Write a research proposal on the impact that a lack of primary socialisation holds for teens in your community. Apply the steps in the research process when writing your proposal.

INSTRUCTIONS: Step 1: Identity the topic of investigation (identify the research question) Step 2: Write a short literature review in which you specifically address the following: • Define the concept socialisation and discuss the different types of socialisation. • Discuss the importance of socialisation. • Discuss the impact of poor socialisation on teens. Step 3: Identify and define at least 3 concepts related to the topic under investigation: e.g. “socialisation”. Step 4: Identify the research design (qualitative or quantitative) you would follow, who the research population would be, how you would go about sampling and how you would gather data from that sample. Make sure to define what a sample is and also briefly discuss the method and include references

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Step 1: Research Question
What is the impact of a lack of primary socialization on teens in our community?

Step 2: Literature Review
Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the values, norms, and behaviors of a society or culture. There are various types of socialization, including primary socialization (which occurs in early childhood and is typically carried out by family members) and secondary socialization (which occurs throughout one's life and is influenced by peers, schools, media, and other social institutions).

Socialization is crucial for individuals to develop a sense of identity, learn appropriate social behaviors, and become functioning members of society. Without proper socialization, individuals may struggle to form relationships, understand social cues, and navigate societal expectations.

Poor socialization can have a significant impact on teens, leading to social isolation, low self-esteem, behavioral problems, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships. It can also contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Step 3: Concepts
1. Socialization - the process by which individuals learn the values, norms, and behaviors of a society or culture.
2. Primary socialization - the initial socialization that occurs in early childhood and is typically carried out by family members.
3. Impact - the effect that a lack of primary socialization has on teens in our community.

Step 4: Research Design
I would follow a qualitative research design for this study, as it would allow me to explore the experiences and perspectives of teens who have experienced a lack of primary socialization. The research population would be teens in our community who have experienced poor socialization. I would use purposive sampling to select participants who fit this criteria. Data would be gathered through interviews and focus groups to gain insight into the impact of poor socialization on teens in our community.

- K. Berger, The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence (10th ed.), Worth Publishers, 2015.
- C. J. Branam, Socialization, Community, and Living Together: Exploring Our Social World, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.